The winners of imgZine’s lottery at Cornerstone Internal Communications Congress

Hester Gras

Yesterday, imgZine was present as a proud sponsor of the Corner-Stone internal communications congress 2015. As you might have read before on our blog, imgZine created the event app for this Corner-Stone event. Reactions have been great; we found out that nearly 100% of the visitors used our app and most of them relied entirely on the app to get the latest info and program updates throughout the day.

A huge amount of visitors also participated in the imgZine lottery to win one of our interesting prices. During lunch, a first winner already claimed the main prize: Centraal Orgaan Opvang Asielzoekers (COA) won an interactive internal news app workshop.

We’re proud to announce the two other winners who will be contacted to claim their prize:

1) Idea2App workshop: KPMG

2) Interal Communications Concept App: Ministerie OCW

Thanks to all participants who entered the competition. We hope to see you soon at one of our next events. Enlist yourself for our newsletter to find out where we’re showcasing next!

Were you triggered by our workshop at the Corner-Stone event yesterday? Would you like to get more info about our internal news apps? Find out more or request a live demo!


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